This year marks the 70th year of being a leading company in grease nipple manufacturing.
Through ceaseless trial and error over years we have reached our goals.
But we are just beginning.
We will move forward into this new era and face many challenges head on.
Our 70th year in business.
And we are still striving to constantly better ourselves.
With that mindset, together we will rise to the top.
Never ceasing the entrepreneurial spirit.
Never stopping, always moving forward.
Yoshimori Kitayama
- Greetings
At our company, by utilizing the technical expertise of our staff, we solved the problems of many customers over the years, and in doing so we have built a strong trust with our clients.
Throughout difficult times we faced issues head on, and with those challenges we were able to come together and establish a stronger organization.
The next challenge for the company is to focus on making good use of each person's field of expertise and apply it to future production lines while continuing to build stronger ties with our customers. To continue building stronger ties with our customers.
The business mindset is crucial, but I want to constantly remind myself and staff that the inquiries of our clients and their trust in us is the most important.
Pushing past limitations and to have constant focus on honing your skills is the mindset to have.
What does it mean to be 70 years in the business?
We are constantly reflecting on our past, and using it to build our future.
Being the top manufacturer in the grease nipple industry, through the years we were able to meet the needs of our clients.
Thanks to our customers and workers, we have top shares domestically in this field. Along with that, we were entrusted with the task of creating parts for automobiles, heavy equipment, semiconductors, medical equipment, and even for the food machine industry. We cover a wide range of businesses and have had great support and feedback over the years.
On the other hand, while our business has become stable, it is easy to become too comfortable and complacent with what we have done in the past. There is a strong sense of urgency when those feelings are present.
After amazing feats of creativity and new technology such as “AI" and “IoT”, the world has gotten smaller and things are changing rapidly.
Becoming stagnant is what brings decline in businesses, and we refuse to not grow. Those that supported us—our customers, employees,
fellow companies that helped us— are our family. They have continued to have faith in us throughout the years, and we will continue to better ourselves for them.
Sanwa Metal Industry and 70 years running
We must view our challenges as an investment and be persistent.
We must build that entrepreneurial spirit and teach that to the next generation.
What will the next step be? What do you have your eyes set on next?
With the development of new technologies comes new value, new products, developing technologies and research.
Because of our long history and refined expertise, we have built a strong knowledge-base in this business, but outside of the company we have technical revolutions happening each day.
To match the needs of the times, we have been seeking to be a developer that focuses on a wide range of products, and a provider that is not trapped in the old ways of manufacturing by combination of such internal knowledges and external technical revolutions.
We have already established a new technical development department, and have introduced state-of-the-art equipment. With these new innovations, we want to put the youth first and have them take on the future.
With that in mind, we created a room for concentrating on specific projects.
We felt there was a need to establish a space where you can become a project leader or member if you have the drive to make it a reality. Meeting the new staff each year is something we are always excited about. Their new innovative ideas, their drive and their excitement for the industry is something that always revives us as a whole.